Academic Awards
NACCS Frederick Cervantes Student Premio Award
The National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) seeks submissions from graduate as well as undergraduate students for the annual Frederick Cervantes Student Premio Award. Submit today!
Students from any field/discipline are eligible, but their essay must contribute to Chicana and Chicano Studies. Papers will be judged on their contribution to the field of inquiry, strength of scholarship (e.g., how well researched and/or theoretically well-developed they are), and originality. Composition and style will also be considered.
The Premio carries a monetary honorarium of $350.00, the opportunity to submit the paper for publication review in the NACCS proceedings, and the opportunity to present the paper at the 2023 NACCS Annual Meeting.
Competition/Submission Guidelines
- Participants must be enrolled at an institution of higher education and be members of NACCS.
- Provide a cover page, listing the title of the essay, the name of the student, and the student’s academic institution.
- Since the essay will undergo double-blind review, the author’s name must not appear anywhere in the body of the essay.
- Authors must use the correct citation style appropriate to their field, e.g., APA, MLA or Chicago Style.
- Papers must be fully referenced, typed, double-spaced and use a 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
- The manuscript must be in a MICROSOFT WORD format and must not exceed 25 pages.
- Any submission received that does not meet the above specifications will be automatically disqualified.
- Submissions must be emailed by November 13, 2022. Papers that arrive after this date will not be considered.
- Attach your file and email to: [email protected].
Notification of Award
Notification will be issued prior to the conference. Awards will be announced during the NACCS conference. We encourage students to seek faculty mentorship in preparing their papers. Please contact the chair if you have any questions at [email protected]. if you have any questions about the guidelines or how to seek mentorship in preparing your submissions.
History of The Award
This award is named for Frederick A. Cervantes, one of the first Chicano political
scientists and a pioneer in the development of Chicano Studies. The award honors him
for his scholarly work and for his commitment to students and student research. Cervantes
was a member of NACS [sic] in the early years of the association. Cervantes received
his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1976; his dissertation was entitled
“An interpretation of J.V. Stalin's political thought.” Originally from Texas, Cervantes
returned home and held a faculty position in Corpus Christi. On March 22, 1986, he
was killed by a drunk driver in
a motorcycle accident.
Should you have any questions about the award or submissions, please feel free to contact Dr. Jennifer Gómez Menjívar, NACCS Board Member & Chair of the Frederick Cervantes Student Premio Award Committee, at [email protected].