Advising for CCS Majors and Minors
Undergraduate Advising
I am a first- or second-year student...
Undergraduate advising for first- and second-year students is provided by your Coordinated Care advisor. Keep in mind that your Coordinated
Care Advisor is your first point of contact for lower division General Education advising.
To find your advisor, please log in to SDSU Navigate (EAB).
I am a junior, senior, or lower division student...
If you are a junior or senior, or lower division student with major advising needs your major advisor will be able to assist you, please see their contact information below.
Paola Martinez
Email: [email protected]
Scheduled Advising Appointments
Schedule an appointment with Chicana and Chicano Studies advisor Paola Martinez on SDSU Navigate.
If you cannot make these hours or have an advising question or issue that can be handled
via email, please email us at [email protected]. We will respond M-F within 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see the individual checklist for either the major or minors.
For the major, this checklist includes area A (prerequisites); area B (core courses); and area C (capstone courses). A total of 37 units are required.
For the major, you will note that in addition to nine upper division core courses, two lower division prerequisite courses are required (CCS 110 and 150) as well as two upper division capstone courses (you may choose from CCS 303, 340A/B, 376, 402). Please be advised that not all courses that count toward the capstone are offered every semester; we do however, offer at least two courses that count toward the capstone every semester.
No. It is best to do so, but it is not required.
Nine courses (27 units). Please see checklist, area B.
Our major is designed to be flexible and offer you the possibility of choosing courses that best fit your interests. You can choose from any of the courses listed and take the core courses in any sequence.
Please be aware that our 500-level courses may have a core course as a prerequisite or require instructor approval.
If you take CCS 303 or 340A or B or CCS 376 as part of your area B (core) courses, you may not also use these as your capstone courses (area C on the checklist). In spring of 2022, we will offer a new capstone course, CCS 402.
In your first semester as a transfer student, please choose from Area B: Core Courses. These are listed on the Major Checklist. We recommend that you choose from the 300-level courses offered during this first semester.
The CCS major does not require you to have a minor field of study. You may wish to do so, however, as there are many fields of study that pair well with the CCS major.
The University has a Request for Adjustment to Academic Requirements (RAAR) form that is used to make any changes in your program of courses.
It can be used to make any non-standard changes to your academic program (release courses from major to minor, match up study abroad coursework, make course substitutions). You should email the CCS Undergraduate Adviser, who will fill out the form with you.
Yes! However, keep in mind that our 500-level courses may have mandatory prerequisites, including instructor approval. You are responsible for satisfying all prerequisites. Note that 500-level courses are mixed graduate/undergraduate courses, but there will be different requirements for undergraduate students than for the graduate students in the class.
CCS majors are eligible for a number of competitive internal scholarships here at SDSU, and you may be eligible for other, more general scholarships available from external sponsors. Check the SDSU scholarships website for general opportunities, and search for scholarships related to the major.
Yes; CCS 110 and 150 may be taken at a community college. In order for these courses to transfer, however, we must have an articulation agreement with these colleges. One easy way to check whether this is the case is to input relevant information in the Transfer Admission Planner for the major.